cooking in 20 min.
6 rough onions- 25g of butter- 2 coffee spoons of powder
cinnamon , 650 g of hacked meat, 8 eggs, a bouquet of parsley,
36 leaves of El Gamra's Briks , molded white pepper, salt.
Return onions within 2 butter spoonfuls , a spoonful of
cinnamon ,some salt and pepper (they must melt gently without
taking color). Add hacked meat and cover broadly with water.
Carry on cooking slowly till the absorption of the sauce then
leave to cool.
Beat whole eggs to obtain an owlet and season them with
cinnamon ,salt and pepper. Add some finely hacked parsley and
cook an owlet with 2 spoonfuls of butter. Leave to cool .Cut
into 2 each leave Of El Gamra's briks and put some hacked meat
and some owlet . Roll by slaughtering edges to close up the
stuffing as a cigarette and fry broadly.
"Bouraks" must be generously of a pink color. Serve
with lemon quarters. "Bouraks" are excellent so hot
as cold .
3 dozens of EL GAmras's briks leaves make 72 ones, and hosts
take of them generally 4 or 6 .