Veal or sheep meet (500g)- eggs (300g)- grated Sicilian cheese
(50g)- salted butter (60g)- dry beans (50g)- olive oil (50g)-
flaky pastry (150g) - molded black pepper (2g) - pulverized
saffron -flower-salt.
Soak beans in water during 6 hours beforehand.
take off bones from meat and cut it into small dice .Season it
with pepper and fine salt, brown it in oil under a bright fire
for 5 to 6 min. Add beans ,cover with water and leave cooking
gently during 3 quarters.
Take off from fire and withdraw the excess of sauce. Put the
grated cheese and raw eggs. Add a pinch of salt and a touch of
saffron. Salt depending on taste and mix.
Take a fire container little in depth and smear inside with
half the salted butter. Cover the bottom with as many
superposed leaves. Pour the stuffing, equalize and put down on
this stuffing the part of leaves that exceed .
Cover with the remaining superposed leaves, wash down with the
melted salted butter. Cook it in oven or between 2 fires.